Episode 18: Lessons Learned from Event Burnout


Burning out from events, something that once brought me so much joy, was no fun. Many lessons in life aren’t fun. I hope you can learn from my mistakes.

After a year of producing a large number of events, I hit a wall.  I experienced event burnout.  

In this episode I share:

  • The ways in which event burnout manifested in my life

  • How I’m doing things differently to avoid burning out again

I don’t ever want anyone to go through what I did.  While this isn’t a foolproof method for avoiding burnout, it’s a cautionary tale.  

**I am not a therapist or a mental health professional, so if you are feeling there’s something more than just event burnout happening in your life, please seek help from a professional.  

Listener Action Item:

Pick one or do all three: 

  1. Just say ‘no’ to something. Don’t feel obligated to say ‘yes’ to every request of your time. Pick and choose the things that matter most and that you need or want to do.

  2. Create a written process or template. Pick one thing that you do often and write down the exact steps you take to do it. While you may not need to delegate that task now, you may in the future and you’ll be one step ahead by having the process already written down.

  3. Delegate or ask for help. Speaking of delegation…Find one task on your to-do list that you can delegate to someone else or get help on it. Don’t hold onto control of something because you feel you need to or that no one could do it as well as you could. Done is better than perfect.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 13:  Ep. 13_This ONE thing will make your life easier

RIpple Event FB Page:  https://www.facebook.com/RippleEventMktg

Ripple Event Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/rippleeventmktg/

Podcast Facebook Community:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thatsoundslikeaplan

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