Episode 7: Promoting your event with PR with Kari Logan


Find out from media and PR expert Kari Logan how to find and use stories from your organization to gain PR around your event.

Are you looking to get more people to register or attend your event and think that PR is the best way to do that.  PR is a great way to tell your story and build awareness for your organization.  Every nonprofit wants PR around their event.  But what's the best way to do that?

Kari Logan spent her career in the media and is now focused on helping small senior services organizations to tell their stories.  For over 25 years, Kari has helped her nonprofit clients reveal words and images to educate, promote, inspire, and call their target market to action.

In this interview you'll hear Kari and I discuss:

  • Overcoming obstacles to getting PR for your organization and event

  • Why events aren't newsworthy and what to do instead

  • How to pitch stories to the media that will include promotion of the event

You'll want to listen closely, and take lots of notes, because Kari has great tips and information for how to get PR for your organization and your event.   Here's a glance at this episode:

  • [1:50] The biggest obstacles nonprofits face when it comes to marketing and PR and how to overcome them

  • [4:45] Pitching stories to the media around your event

  • [6:56] What is an advertorial and how to use them to promote your event

  • [7:25] Who to pitch your stories to and how to pitch them

  • [10:48] Do you need to create a press release?

  • [11:25] How to research reporters

  • [17:00] The process for finding stories within your organization

  • [19:24] Listener Action Item

  • [22:57] How to "use the news" as part of your fundraising efforts

Listener Action Item:

  1. Create a document, file folder or database for storing newsworthy stories (history, love, compassion and triumph).  

  2. Brainstorm 3 story ideas from within your organization with a focus on the people you serve.

  3. Write down the basic information for each idea:

    • Who, what, why, when, where and how

    • What are the visuals for these stories, i.e. photos and video

  4. If you’re still motivated, pick your favorite and ask yourself:

    • Why is this story newsworthy?

    • What media organization/writer/reporter might be interested in covering it?

    • Who should be interviewed for the story beyond the person the story focuses on?

    • How can I use this story/media coverage as part of fundraising efforts?

  5. Continue to build and hone this file so you have a list of stories ready to be told when you begin a fundraising event or campaign.

Contact Kari Logan at Edit Be, Inc.

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Episode 8: Finding the best date for your event


Episode 6: PPT Dealing with Doubt