Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga

Episode 43: PPT_Never stop asking questions

There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to nonprofit events. Just because you’ve planned one event doesn’t mean it’s going to be the same the next time around. In this episode I encourage you to not let ego or imposter syndrome keep you from getting the answers you need to have the most successful event possible. Never stop asking questions.

This is a Planner Pep Talk or PPT episode. Planning fundraising events is not easy. These pep talks are designed to let you know you're not alone with some of the challenging aspects of planning an event. Whenever you need a little encouragement, check out any of the PPT episodes.

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Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga

Episode 27: PPT_Taking time off to recharge

This is an episode called a Planner Pep Talk or PPT.   Planning fundraising events is not easy.  These pep talks are designed to let you know you're not alone with some of the challenging aspects of planning an event. Whenever you need a little encouragement, check out any of the PPT episodes. 

Working hard is important but so is taking time off to recharge.  When you don't allow yourself time off, both mentally and physically, from work you risk burning out.  It may seem counterintuitive but you also reduce your effectiveness when you don't take time off.   If you need permission to take a much needed break, you'll get it here. 

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Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga

Episode 25: PPT_A Sprint to the Finish Line

This is an episode called a Planner Pep Talk or PPT.   Planning fundraising events is not easy.  These pep talks are designed to let you know you're not alone with some of the frustrations and conflicts that come with planning events. Whenever you need a little encouragement, check out any of the PPT episodes. 

In today’s PPT we’re going to talk about the last couple of weeks leading up to your event. This time can be stressful but you also have to deal with many things out of your control. Learning to deal with those issues is key to long-term success.

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Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga

Episode 17: PPT The struggle with perfectionism

This is an episode called a Planner Pep Talk or PPT.   Planning fundraising events is not easy.  These pep talks are designed to let you know you're not alone with some of the frustrations and conflicts that come with planning events. Whenever you need a little encouragement, check out any of the PPT episodes. 

In today’s PPT we’re going to talk about an inner conflict. The struggle with perfectionism.

Perfectionists have a lot of good qualities and make great event planners.   But perfectionism has its downsides.  It can impact your relationships, self-esteem and lead to burn out.  It can also cause you to procrastinate.    

If you struggle with perfectionism, I want you to know you're to alone. 

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Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga Planner Pep Talk PPT Alicia Baraga

Episode 10: PPT Dealing with difficult people

This is an episode called a Planner Pep Talk or PPT. Planning fundraising events is not easy. These pep talks are designed to let you know you're not alone with some of the frustrating aspects of planning an event. Whenever you need a little encouragement, check out any of the PPT episodes. 

Dealing with difficult people is one of the most challenging aspects of planning events. Sometimes it’s not even difficult people, necessarily, but times when people can be difficult. Unless you want to run the event by yourself, you’re going to have to learn to find a way to work with difficult people at some point.  

In this episode I share my strategies for dealing with difficult people. 

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