Marketing & Promo Alicia Baraga Marketing & Promo Alicia Baraga

Episode 45: Six tips for selling event tickets

“If you build it, they will come” only worked in the movie Field of Dreams. The reality is that it takes a lot of work to get people to first be aware of your event and then to buy a ticket.    

In this episode I share:

  • The most common, yet frustrating, trend in ticket sales

  • How to use ticket bundles, FOMO and social proof to sell tickets

  • How to audit your event using the 5 Ps

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 44: Eco friendly events

There's a lot of waste in the event industry. If you've ever cleaned up after an event, you see it firsthand. I cover ways to make your event eco-friendlier in seven categories: 1) Event marketing and promotion 2) Registration 3) Catering. 4) Venues and AV 5) Transportation 6) Décor and 7) SWAG.

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 42: Measuring event success

We often talk about the need to have a successful fundraising event. But what does that mean? Just because your event made money doesn’t necessarily mean it was a success, financial or otherwise. In today’s episode we’re going to talk about the different ways you can measure event success.

In this episode I share:

  • The most common goals for nonprofit events

  • Two formulas to measure financial success

  • Why it’s important to track and monitor your goals as you plan your event

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 41: Are you ready to host your first fundraising event?

If you are a relatively new nonprofit, or new to events, you might be wondering when it’s a good time to host your first fundraising event. In this episode we’ll talk about what you need organizationally and personally to be ready to host your first fundraising event.

In this episode I share:

- The most important thing your organization needs

- Why you need board support organizationally and personally

- The skills you need to be able lead an event

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 40: Seven systems for nonprofit event success

Without systems, planning an event can easily become chaotic and overwhelming. Systems enable you to delegate tasks and create consistency.

In this episode I share:

  • The difference between a system and a process

  • The seven core systems you need for nonprofit success

  • Four tips for creating systems & procedures

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 39: Seven ways to refresh your event

Having a successful event year after year is a great thing! There are times, though, when you need to change things up slightly to refresh an event to keep it from getting a little stale.

In this episode I share:

- The difference between the Flywheel Effect and the Doom Loop

- Seven ways to refresh or breathe a little fresh air into your event

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Post-Event Alicia Baraga Post-Event Alicia Baraga

Episode 37: How to get and use event feedback

Gathering event feedback helps you determine what your audience liked about the event and identify areas for improvement.

In this episode I share:

  • Why feedback is important

  • The best ways to capture feedback

  • The types of questions to ask

  • How to use that feedback once you have it

  • Tips for how NOT to take negative feedback personally.

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Auctions Alicia Baraga Auctions Alicia Baraga

Episode 36: Should I have a live auction?

Live auctions serve a purpose other than just raising more money for your organization.

In this episode I share:

  • The purpose of a live auction

  • The types of events that work best for live auctions

  • How to find live auction items

  • Why it’s important to work with an auctioneer

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Auctions Alicia Baraga Auctions Alicia Baraga

Episode 35: Seven Post-Auction Duties

The silent auction has ended and you’re done. Well, almost. There are seven things you need to do to wrap up your auction.

In this episode I share:

  • The first thing you should do. It might surprise you

  • The things you need to document for the organization

  • The things you should document for yourself or the future auction chair

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Auctions Alicia Baraga Auctions Alicia Baraga

Episode 34: Day of Auction Details

There are a number of things you must do in the month or two leading up to and on the day of the auction to make everything run smoothly.  

In this episode I share:

  • When to open & close your auction

  • Determining your layout at the venue (# of tables needed

  • Creating a seamless process for check out

  • Common Volunteer Roles

  • Merchandising items 

  • What to do if someone doesn’t pick up their item at the end of the night

  • Packing up and heading out

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Auctions Alicia Baraga Auctions Alicia Baraga

Episode 33: Online Auction Basics

Online, mobile, or virtual auction. No matter the name, they all mean the same thing; an auction conducted over the Internet where people can bid through a website or mobile device. Not paper sheet bidding.

In this episode I share:

  • The benefits of an online auction

  • What to look for in a platform

  • How to structure your planning timeline for an online auction

  • Suggestions for dividing the work amongst your auction team

  • Tips for adding items to your auction site

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Auctions Alicia Baraga Auctions Alicia Baraga

Episode 32: Preparing to Host An Auction

Silent auctions are a popular fundraising activity for nonprofits and their supporters. Sometimes auctions are viewed as easy money. If you’ve ever organized an auction, you know it’s anything but easy. They are a lot of work!

When you put processes in place, it makes everything go more smoothly and makes you look more professional. BEFORE you ask for a single donation, you need to prepare to host an auction. Find out what you need to do and how to do it, step by step.

In this episode I share:

  • Why it’s important to prepare to host an auction before asking for donations.

  • How to determine the ideal number of items to have on your auction

  • A process for soliciting and tracking donations.

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Volunteers Alicia Baraga Volunteers Alicia Baraga

Episode 31: Putting together your planning team

Planning a nonprofit fundraising or awareness-building event takes a team! This group of individuals can have a huge impact on your event.

In this episode I share:

- The typical structure of the planning team

- When you should or shouldn’t have co-chairs

- Which roles should be held by organization staff, when possible

- The importance of matching the person to the role

- What not to do with your planning team volunteers

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Sponsorship Alicia Baraga Sponsorship Alicia Baraga

Episode 30: When does sponsorship become advertising? Special guest: Jess Birken

Event sponsorship is arguably one of the most challenging and stressful aspects of planning a fundraising event. Part of that stress is driven by the fact that there are IRS rules about what you can and cannot do and there’s a fine line where sponsorship can unintentionally drift from sponsorship to advertising.

I discuss this fine line with my guest Jess Birken, of Birken Law. In this interview Jess and I discuss:

  • When does sponsorship become advertising?

  • What does it mean when that happens? What are the consequences?

  • How can you prevent this from happening or plan ahead

Jess shares her best tips and advice for creating a win-win value proposition with your event sponsors

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Sponsorship Alicia Baraga Sponsorship Alicia Baraga

Episode 29: Sponsor Activations

For nonprofits, sponsorship packages all tend to look the same; logos on websites and printed materials, tables at the event, social media mentions, etc. So how does a nonprofit stand out from the competition and create long term relationships with their sponsors? The answer…Sponsor Activations.

In this episode I share:

  • What is a sponsor activation?

  • Why a hybrid model of the tiered package + activations is preferred.

  • A step by step process for coming up with activation ideas and pitching them to sponsor prospects.

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Sponsorship Alicia Baraga Sponsorship Alicia Baraga

Episode 28: 7 Steps to Get Ready for Sponsorship Sales

Sponsorship sales is one of the most important, yet most daunting, tasks for your fundraising event.  It’s not just something you can dive into.  There’s a lot of prep work that needs to happen behind the scenes before you can begin.  I break it the prep work down into 7 steps.  

In this episode I share:

  • Why you should have a clear definition of your target audience

  • How to break down creating a budget and set your sponsorship goals into easy steps.  

  • The importance of having realistic and measurable sponsor goals and benefits

  • The best place to start when creating a sponsor prospect list

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Planning Alicia Baraga Planning Alicia Baraga

Episode 26: 6 Ways to Prep for Next Year’s Events

Are you heading into the new year excited and ready to take on your first event? Or are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious? If it’s the latter, it may mean you simply need to do some year-end tasks that will set you up for success for next year’s events.

In this episode I share:

Why you need a recap for all events

Why you should start recruiting your planning team now

The importance of organizing your digital files and event “stuff”

How to create an event kit and what you should put in it

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Planning, Scripts Alicia Baraga Planning, Scripts Alicia Baraga

Episode 24: Why you need an event script

What is an event script?  Why would you need one for a small nonprofit event?  I answer these questions and more in this week’s episode.      

In this episode I share:

- Why you need an event script, no matter how small your event or program

- What should be the maximum length of your program

- The format and content of your script

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